Carson City
Department Directory
Hearing impaired use 711
Assessor’s Office
Kimberly Adams, Assessor
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, Suite 6
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2130 (775) 887-2139 Fax
Board of Supervisors
Lori Bagwell, Mayor
Stacey Giomi, Supervisor Ward 1
Maurice White, Supervisor Ward 2
Curtis Horton, Supervisor Ward 3
Lisa Schuette, Supervisor Ward 4
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, Suite 2
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2100 (775) 887-2286 Fax
Building & Safety (Division of Community Development)
108 E. Proctor St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2310 (775) 887-2202 Fax
Business License (Division of Community Development)
108 E. Proctor St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2105 (775) 887-2202 Fax
City Manager’s Office
Nancy Paulson, City Manager
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #2
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2100 (775) 887-2286 Fax
Clerk-Recorders Office
Scott Hoen, Clerk-Recorder
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2260 (775) 887-2146 Fax
Code Enforcement (Division of Community Development)
108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2599 (775) 887-2278 Fax
Community Center/Recreation (Division of Parks & Recreation)
851 E. William
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2290 (775) 887-2256 Fax
Community Development
Hope Sullivan, Director
108 E. Proctor St.
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2180 (775) 887-2278 Fax
District Attorney’s Office
Garrit Pruyt, District Attorney
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2070 (775) 887-2129 Fax
District Court Clerk (Division of Clerk-Recorder)
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2082 (775) 887-2177 Fax
Elections (Division of Clerk-Recorder)
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2087 (775) 887-2146 Fax
Finance Department
Sheri Russell-Benabou, Chief Financial Officer
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #3
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2133 (775) 887-2107 Fax
Fire Department
Sean Slamon, Fire Chief
777 South Stewart Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2210 (775) 887-2209 Fax
Health & Human Services
Nicki Aaker, Director
900 E. Long
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2190 (775) 887-2248 Fax
Human Resources
Jeff Coulam, Director
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #4
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2103 (775) 887-2067 Fax
Information Technology
Frank Abella, Chief Information Officer
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #7
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2160 (775) 887-2288 Fax
Justice Court/Municipal Court
Thomas Armstrong, Justice of the Peace, Dept. I
Melanie Bruketta, Justice of the Peace, Dept. II
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2121 (775) 887-2297 Fax
Juvenile Court
1545 East Fifth Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2038 (775) 887-2036 Fax
Juvenile Detention/Probation
Ali Banister, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer
740 South Saliman Rd
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2033 (775) 887-2036 Fax
Landfill (Division of Public Works)
3600 Flint Drive
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 882-6066
Joy Holt, Library Director
900 North Roop Street
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2244
Marriage Bureau (Division of Clerk-Recorder)
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2084 (775) 887-2146 Fax
Parks & Recreation Administration
Jennifer Budge, Director
3303 Butti Way, #9
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2262 (775) 887-2145 Fax
Public Guardian
Sandra Doughty, Public Guardian
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #1
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2295
Public Works
Darren Schulz, Director
3505 Butti Way
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2355 (775) 887-2164 Fax
Purchasing & Contracts (Division of City Manager's Office)
Carol Akers, Purchasing and Contracts Administrator
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #2
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 283-7137 (775) 887-2286 Fax
Recorder's Office (Division of Clerk-Recorder)
Courthouse/885 East Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2260 (775) 887-2146 Fax
Senior Center
Courtney Warner, Director
901 Beverly Drive
Carson City, NV 89706
(775) 883-0703 (775) 883-2869 Fax
Sheriff’s Office
Ken Furlong, Sheriff
Sheriff's Administration/911 E. Musser
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2500 (775) 887-2026 Fax
Treasurer’s Office
Andrew Rasor, Treasurer
City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #5
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2092 (775) 887-2102 Fax
UNR Extension
727 Fairview Drive, Suite F
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 887-2252